What’s new in 2018?

Here’s to a new year and new beginnings!  Happy 2018!

I will be launching my first children’s book this year and have started my own writing business. Quite a few people have asked me, “what exactly, do you do?”

Well, here is a quick video that I made for my freelance writing profile.



If what I do resonates with you – please like, share or invite any friends to my pages.

Renee Irving Lee – Freelance Writer Page
This page will keep you updated with any of my blogs, articles or children’s books projects. I also like to share posts about child development and early learning.

Smart Mind, Strong Body, Beautiful Heart Project
Smart Mind, Strong Body, Beautiful Heart is the title of my children’s book. I feel extremely passionate about empowering young girls and providing them with the tools to navigate successfully through today’s stressful, social media-driven world. This page can provide parents or teachers with useful resources, inspiring stories, news articles and video clips.

My website
This website contains all my children’s book updates, freelance writing examples and information on workshops and book readings for 2018.

Thank-you and happy new year!

Learn deeply, love openly and live fully!
